
Corona virus symptoms and prevention

Corona virus symptoms and prevention Corona virus symptoms and prevention. This COVID-19 virus invites different people in several ways. COVID-19 may be a respiratory illness and in many infected people, during which it shows mild to moderate symptoms, they recover with none special treatment. At an equivalent time, people whose immunity is low or who are already affected by another medical condition are more in danger from this disease. At an equivalent time, elderly people that are quite 60 years aged also are at great risk from this COVID-19, while in many cases the victim also dies. Some common symptoms of corona virus include *  Fever (fever) * Tiredness * Dry cough Other symptoms include * Shortness of breath * Aches and pains throughout the body * pharyngitis (throat swelling) * running nose * At an equivalent time, some people even have recurrences. Such people, who have mild symptoms, should keep themselves faraway from others and will also ask a...